Monday, October 28, 2013

Having A Great Time

Welcome to Amsterdam.  The flight was uneventful, but very long.  I didn't sleep, so was pretty much a Zombie on arrival; but 2couples I met at the Mpls airport took me under their wing.  One thing I learned for future trips is to NOT overpack your u carryon bag.  It was way too heavy.  It was pouring down rain, so by the time igot on the bus I was pretty much soaked.  Not the best start; but decided it had to get better and it has.

What a surprise to walk in my cabin and see that beautiful bouquet of fresh flowers and a very nice bottle of wine.  Thank you family!!  You are the best.  The cabin is very nice; but I immediately thought about Marlin.  He would be bouncing off the walls running into things.  Can't you just hear his comments and coice words?

Today we had a canal boat trip.  Learned that Amsterdam is known as Northern Venice.  Most everybody rides bicycles for transportation because it is easier to get around - the streets are very narrow.  If you live here, you are told to buy the least expensive bike and the biggest lock you can find because people tend to help themselves if they cannot find their own.  If you drive a car and drive into one of the canals, your insurance will pay to get the car out if you stay in the car.  Reminds me of Minn. and people who like to drive on ice on lakes when it isn't safe.  Some walked back to the ship; but it was very windy so I chose to ride back on the tour boat.

Pictures and more to come later!  Love, Mom

Saturday, October 19, 2013

So excited--only 8 more days!!

Will be very busy this week getting ready to leave.  Many thanks to Nikki for the iPad lessons.  Let's hope it all sticks.