Monday, November 18, 2013

Home Sweet Home

I have been home for a week now and have completely recuperated from the long journey.  Without a doubt, this has been a wonderful experience that I will never forget.  I met some very nice people that will be fun keeping in contact with in the future.

The pictures are from the final 2days or so.  Unfortunately Vienna was rainy, so no pictures; or maybe I was just ready to be home.  Funny how that happens!
My surprise bed preparation!

Friday, November 8, 2013

Photo sharing.

Hi - The sun did shine today!  We have had quite a few cloudy days and some rain and drissle;but that was to be expected this time of year.  Passeau is another village with huge churches and a museum that looks like a castle.  I'll include a picture.  We will leave late this afternoon for Melk and then on to Vienna.

I did cancel the 2 side trips I had planned.  One in Melk and one in Vienna.  Guess I'm getting into coming home mode and I must admit the cobblestones have won.  Tonight the ship crew will put on a show.  Should be fun.

Love you!

Didn't get last one posted, so here is today's update.  Another beautiful day on the Danube sailing into Vienna.  There will be a bus tour tomorrow and then some free time on our own.  This is my first time in Austria, so looking forward to my time here.  Then comes reality time for the trip home.  It has been wonderful;but I'm ready for home.

See you soon!
Golf course on the Danube

From my cabin