Saturday, November 2, 2013

Finally!!!  I have been going crazy trying to get online.  They kept telling me that there was no internet available or that I should be patient and it would work.  WRONG!!  Today I finally found the right person to help.

The trip is wonderful.  Finding I cannot do everything; but having so much fun.  Everyone is very nice and very helpful - right down to the people who clean your rooms.  Angelica greeted me the first morning as if she was part of my family and said her goal was to make my stay as comfortable as possible.  Goal accomplished.

We stopped in Duesseldorf to let those who wanted to do the walking tour in Cologne to catch a bus so they could get there quicker.  I stayed on board with some others and relaxed and enjoyed the cruise.  By evening we were all back together again for a wonderful meal.  The food is excellent, bountiful and way too much.

Wednesday we were in Koblenz.  I did the walking tour and it was delightful; but almost all that I could handle.  Pictures will follow.

From there we sailed to Frankfurt.  I skipped the walking tour;but for dinner we went to a local restaurant featuring traditional folk music - oompah!  They came around with what looked like a long, long yard stick with 5 shot glasses attached.  Sang a song and they all drank at once.  Such fun.  The walk back seemed long; but I was with a small group and I made it.

The next day , Oct 31st, we took a chartered bus to Heidelberg.  They visited the famous castle while I waited on the bus and read my book (about 40 min).  The bus than took us to the Marketplatz for lunch and then we were on our own to shop or whatever.  Because it was Halloween, the entire crew was in costume when we arrived back .  A fun party night.

So, I have tried to give you an idea about what a wonderful trip this is and you are almost caught up to the present.  Pictures will follow and some notes about yesterday and today.  Week one will be over tonight---WOW!


  1. Hi Mom! Sounds like you're having fun! Can't wait to see your pics and hear more.
    I'm glad you found the right person to help you with the internet. Another case where German stubbornness helped out - others may have given up! :)
    Love and miss our world traveler!
    Dan and Nikki

  2. Momma!!! So happy to see an update from you!! I tried not to worry, but you know me ;) Sounds like you are having a great time and thankfully not overdoing it too. Keep enjoying your adventure of a life time and know that you are constantly on all of our minds. LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!

  3. Mom!! Finally!! Some of us were getting a bit worried, but glad to hear it was just an internet problem. Glad you're enjoying yourself and that you're not overdoing it! Keep having fun and can't wait to see more pics. Love you!!

  4. YEA!!! So glad to see they got you back on line, but more importantly, so glad to hear you're having a wonderful time!
    Looking forward to hearing more about it.
    Love you so much. <3

  5. We are sooo happy you are having a good time! Looking forward to your pictures and hearing more about your trip! We love you very much!

  6. Sounds like an awesome experience. So glad you are having a great time. We are looking forward to pictures and stories!!! Love you.....Becky and Scott
