Tuesday, November 5, 2013


TUESDAY already!  Time has really flown.  Obviously I have not been writing like I thought I would ; but here goes.  Last Friday we were in Wertheim where the highlight of my day was the visit to a local German family for coffee.  The wife served cream puffs and a chocolate/vanilla/cream flavored bar.  Both very good.  Their granddaughter joined us--very sweet young lady and speaks several languages already.  The picture is of the three of them plus Amy, their dog.  They live in a townhouse that they purchased back in 1976.  Very efficient.

The weekend was Wurzburg, Schweinfurt/Rothenburg.  I just enjoyed the scenery and relaxed.  Monday, we sailed into Bamberg.  We have gone through many locks; but they are getting bigger. Today is Nurenberg.  Took the bus tour.  Brought back memories even though I was quite young then.  Saw the place where Hitler made many of his speeches.  Hope that never goes away so that we will never forget.

This evening we will have a lecture on the canals.  A great engineering success.  Will send more pictures soon.

Love, Mom

1 comment:

  1. Good to hear from you Mom!!! It's OK that you're not posting alot . . . we'll all hear about it later and I know how busy vacations can be. I'll bet the trip has gone quickly for you! Enjoy the rest of your time! Love you!
